
We're a small community server that welcome everyone (even if you'e new).

Our record is to make a server without abusive/bad admins, so people can enjoy the game. Sometimes we also have some nice events on servers and updates too!

If someone is abusing admin, please report to http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DanctTF2/discussions/2/133259227518248781 with proofs.

We promise that:

  1. We will never spam event invites.
  2. We will never send unsolicited invites.
  3. We will never mask bots to appear as humans.
  4. We will never use Pinion/MOTDGD advertisements or other in-game ad pop-ups.
  5. We will never sell game breaking benefits.

Our servers is located at Asia and at Vietnam.


Players in-game on dancttf2
last 7 days


Verified official gameservers from DanctTF2.


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Do you own TF2 gameservers?

You can apply at the request center. Help can be requested on the forum or in this Discord channel.